Urinophobic/Human Pancake/Delicious Infernal Worm/Dexterious Mutilation of Pneumothorax

Urinophobic feature image

And here we are again, with some lovely gorenoise tunes. Man, this one is quite a long overdue, but finally the urge has kicked again.

So, not to waste any more time, what’s in it for you? Well, first to make you drool is Roman Efremov’s project Urinophobic with its 7 cuts of delicious gorenoise. It’s definitely listenable, at times even rhythmic stuff, the beginning of the “Begin the Slaughter” reminded me of old Metallica (would you believe that?), and the songs are pretty original and not just a layers of noise. Because the longest track is 1 minute long, Urinophobic’s part is over in no time, but I’ve re-listened to some songs more than once (and that says a lot). And as the aforementioned “Begin the Slaughter” is the great opening, so “Final Cuts” has the honors of closing Urinophobic’s set with a finesse. Definitely a great start of this 4-way split.

Urinophobic feature image

Doc Dank and Dr. Dank contributed 16 untitled tracks under their Human Pancake moniker and it’s a 5:97 long track. I’m quite probably saying this a lot, but I like the variety in this gorenoise presentation, and I will repeat myself again, but Human Pancake’s part is one not to be missed. It’s a relentless attack on you ears, but as with Urinophobic’s offering, it has it’s structure and it is pleasure to listen to (unless your favorites are likes of Miley Cyrus, then it’s not).

I was not aware of Delicious Infernal Worm before I’ve started to listen to this 4-way split, but that’s over now, lol. This is a more chaotic gorenoise, especially thanks to Necrobastard’s distorted vokills. This part has the biggest number of songs, but as the longest here is about 42 seconds, the set is over pretty quickly. I have to say, that as a stand-alone stuff it would be much more likeable, after Urinophobic’s and Human Pancake’s parts preceding it, it’s not as likeable as those to me. That being said, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t have its moments. I just liked those two more.

And opening with a great intro, last to torture us is Dexterious Mutilation of Pneumothorax. Now that’s some serious noise here! Brutally distorted everyting, and topped with even more distorted vokills, this duo also makes their unique sonic exposition here. If you are into a uncompromising earache, this one will be for you, but I, again, prefer the first two projects.

So, summed up, 4 different projects, 4 different musical (OK, it’s musical) approaches. And as it’s always the case, you might appreciate it even more than me. And Eyes of the Dead Productions again put some goodies out, that’s what we all can agree on.

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