One half Sete Star Sept, Ryosuke Kiyasu and his improvisation drumming release “Continue as Though it were Flowing Water” is the second of the 3 new limited releases from the Austrian label Magnesia Nova label from Salzburg.
And when I said “improvisation drumming”, it’s just like that. The whole 43:54 playing time of this release is Ryosuke furiously drumming. It’s quite monotonous, although not totally, you can easily follow the flow. It’s japanoise/experimental, so if you are familiar with this genre(s), you know what to expect. I am just amazed at the sheer amount of energy this artist must have for doing this!
I’ve found this release quite therapeutic, but I have to tell you this…it’s nothing compared to his live performances! Watching him live brings a totally different perspective in enjoying this stuff. I won’t say anything new when I state that Japanese audio-visual art is something one never forgets.
Really, just look at some of videos from the Youtube. It might drive you away in terror, but I guess many of you will join me watching in awe.
Definitely not for everyone, but fascinating as hell.
Ryosuke Kiyasu live in Tokyo, August 23, 2015:
Thanks goes to David Pitzmann for sending the promos over to me. If you are interested in this release, get in touch with him at . Also check his blog at: