Demons Damn – Retaliation

Demons Damn CD cover

Demons Damn is one of those bands you’ve probably never heard of, but you really should. And because I need that spark of energy in my life right now (damn, I’m tired), I am welcoming “Retaliation” into my life. Willingly! 🙂

Led by unstoppable vokill machine Popo, this female fronted ensemble from Indonesia easily puts to shame many similar bands. But let’s not get ourselves too far ahead, OK?

“Retaliation” is a 2013 CD release by this Indonesian brutal death metal band, and it was released by Extreme Souls Production.

Now, I guess most of you know that Indonesian scene is really really rich (and if you don’t know, than stay tuned, you will learn) and there are many brutal death metal / slamming BDM bands practically where you look. So, what makes Demons Damn worthy of your interest?

Of course, the first and foremost feature is the above mentioned female vocalist, Popo. What a vocal! I’m ready to bet you wouldn’t guess it’s a female, unless you know beforehand.

But that’s not the only reason, because, let’s be honest, good looks are not everything. The music, ladies and gentlemen…the music! Demons Damn boasts of two guitarists and it really makes a change for a better. Moreover, guys (and the lady) know to write good, catchy songs and they adorn them with enough melody and solos not to fall into the easy trap of playing brutal for the brutal sake. Try to listen, for example, to “Gemulai Samar Perkasa” and you’ll know what I’m talking about. It’s not just the typical brutal death metal, it’s more of a mixture of genres – you can hear US death metal here and there, some hints of metalcore…and that makes it to stand out from the crowd, really. And I’m not even mentioning the bagpipes’ intro in “Puncak Muak”! (by the way, with 6:51 it’s the longest track on the album).

I’m guessing the lyrics are all in bahasa (Indonesian language), except the track number 5, “Evil Inside”. Not that I can tell any difference, haha.

And that’s what you need to know. This is the album you don’t need to read about – you need to play it till your ears fall off. For your information, the album is still available (for example, check Discogs), so you really have no excuse.

Check this great song, if you don’t believe me!



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