Black Fucking Cancer / Gloam – Boundless Arcane Invokations

The year of 2019 saw some pretty cool releases, and while it’s taken time to check many of those (well, they are really many to check), it’s still better to hear some later than never.

That’s saying is pretty true in the case of the split from those two Californian hordes. “Boundless Arcane Invokations”, released via Sentient Ruin Laboratories, presents only two songs, one per every band, but we’re talking about long songs here, ladies and gentlemen.

So, without any further distraction, let’s delve into the black abyss of the despair and misanthropy, presented by Black Fucking Cancer from San Jose.

No California dreaming here, that’s for sure. After a prolonged ambient intro (which itself is quite nice), these three crusaders of blasphemy embark on the path of destruction and in 21:59 – because that’s the length of the their contribution to the cosmic chaos here – you will have a lot to enjoy (or endure, but I definitely choose the former). Musically, that’s black metal with some cool death (and thrash) influences (and with hints of the industrial to boot, folks!) creating the awesome atmosphere and believe me, when I say, I did have a blast listening to it and I haven’t really expected this.

Their fellow pilgrims on this path, Gloam from Santa Cruz, are also no newbies on the scene. Formed in 2010, you can tell they are quite a veteran band.

And similarly, they contributed with one song, with the same “Boundless Arcane Invokations” title (which, I think it’s quite interesting idea, but I hope nobody will repeat it, at least not for another 10 years, but you know people, so I don’t hold my breath), and with 18:50 of its length, there’s again, a plenty of listening pleasure.

Gloam is described as black/doom metal, and one can readily agree. Although similar of sorts to BFC, they still manage to differentiate themselves (while, I might add, maintaining a high level of great sound quality), so you won’t be mistaken who’s who.

I have to say, long songs always carry the risk of being more and more boring as they progress. Luckily, this threat is not present here. Both songs sound fresh and I will make enemies from a few people here, but I will state it anyway – this split definitely confirms you don’t have to record in the cave on the shitty tape recorder, to sound raw and kvlt (unless, of course, you need to mask your playing inability).

No need to write any more words here. This one is a great record, go get it.

Released through:

Black Fucking Cancer:

Gloam: and Facebook:

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