Toilette / LluviA InmundA


Bored at home? Bored at work? Well, there’s something you can do! Toilette and Lluvia InmundA got something for you!

Toilette / Lluvia InmundA split is another material put out by Nose Vomit Records from Italy in december 2020 and brings to our undivided attention two harsh noise acts, Toilette hails from Italy and Lluvia InmundA from Uruguay.

It’s just a short length release, and I have to admit, due to the lack of time I’ve started to prefer stuff I can listen to on my work break or withing 10-15 minutes of time available. This one is roughly 6 minutes long, so it fits perfectly.

Toilette provides one track only, but with 3:09 it’s the longest one. Build partly on HNV, partly on gorenoise, it really sounds like a real mainstream song. You know, verse, chorus, verse, chorus. Ok, I might exaggerate a bit, but have a listen, I might be actually correct. I’ll count as bonus a heavily distorted vocal. The variability of the track is its major strength. Interesting stuff.


LluviA InmundA participates with 4 short tracks, ranging from 5 secs to 1:55. Different noise, first track “La cáscara del labio abierto“, with an almost post-apocalyptic vibe, makes me restless a bit, haha. I guess that’s a good sign here.

8, 5, 13 seconds. 3 songs of these lengths. “Desquite emocional atextual” is the second one, 8 second long and it’s probably the most interesting one. “Liberemos la carne” is more like a proclamation of some kind of a manifesto, and if you can do it in 5 seconds, you’re a fucking king. No kidding.

Last track, “LluviA InmundA” sounds more like an outro and it means I have to listen to this stuff a few times more. Which I did.

Limited edition on CD available at Nose Vomit Records through their Bandcamp page here:

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