Oh, boy. Oh, boy. I‘ve just realized I could enjoy reading about bad movies more than actually watching them. And I do like reading various encyclopedias, movie guides etc. to find more and more obscure movies one normally just don‘t find unles searching very dilligently.
That‘s where books like the one we‘re gonna review, come handy. For one, I bow before the willingness of the author to go to such lengths, as losing normal sleep hours, tons of money (yep, even bad movies cost money to buy) and risk a falling out with his wife over bad movie dedication. Those of us who‘ve tried that (and who doesn‘t have some kind of (un)healthy hobby, right?) can definitely relate.
Michael has an advantage, he‘s a movie reviewer for Empire magazine in Australia, but yeah, it‘s quite different to do movie reviewing as a job and then jump into the „trash“ category and try to enjoy various turds and turkeys people relentlessly produced and still produce to this very day.
Although, I have to say, while I like all kind of movies (some more than others), I kinda don‘t understand that obsession – and Michael Adams shares it with some others – to find the worst movie ever made. Why? In the end of the day, it‘s still subjective.
But the book reads almost itself, with some movies discussed in more detail than others, and the short reviews/commentary is intervined with Michael‘s anecdotes from his life, how he‘s trying to fulfill his quest while – at the same time – not enraging his wife, caring for their daughter and, of course, trying to function enough in the day job and last, but not least, recollections of discussions, interviews and ramblings with various film people.
As for the movies, I‘ve already seen some of those discussed, and the book also points me in the right direction of finding some others. Not particularly because I want to find bad movies (although enjoying any from B to Z category, I don‘t think I actively seek them out on purpose), nope…it‘s the sheer fun in the attempts of producers to earn their money and actors desperately trying to act. And many failing in that.
As for this book, it would proudly sit on my book shelf along with other guides and tomes of book reviews and unlike some others, this one will be read at least twice. So, I guess I‘ve just recommended it, it seems.