ENZK #11 (a fanzine review)

ENZK zine

A underground music fanzine done the old school way, yay! Well, this Scottish zine is little old, being published in November 2017, but if you live in the underground circles at least for some short time you’ve already learnt that time doesn’t mean much…and stuff can be timeless.

And I’ve received this zine just a few weeks ago, so for me it’s still fresh. And what counts – and that goes for any underground publication – is the wealth of information I can get from its pages. With ENZK, there is a lot of stuff to be find within its pages.

But let’s not hurry. ENZK’s issue #11 is 20 A4 pages long, with nice oldschool cut’n’paste layout and I feel like immediately moved back in time before the modern desktop publishing stuff. Do you remember typing articles on manual typewriters, drawing the borders for the zine’s pages, xeroxing it and spending hours stapling the pages together? Yep, you’re officially old, but that’s not the issue here. This is how ENZK looks like, although the main texts are written on computer and then cut’n’pasted onto the pages.

Well, the front cover kinda betrays this zine’s punk/HC/grindcore nature and straight from page 2 we’re getting immersed into the content. Little editorial and the rest of the page is filled with short-and-to-the-point reviews of some material I’ve never heard of but I am quite eager to get.

Pages 3 aned 4 bring us the interview with Scottish female duo Bratakus and I’ve heard about them, but never had a chance to actually listen to their material, however, I’ve found the interview very nice and informative (and as a side note to the interviewed bands/artists – it all boils down to YOUR answers! Therefore, if interviewed, try to do you part as diligent as possible. End of rant).

Pages 5-7 belong to Goodbye Blue Monday, another Scottish punk/HC band and another informative interview (and I can say the guy answering the questions is quite chatty, which is a plus). As with Bratakus, also GxBxMx is great read also to find new bands to check.

Another interview, this time with Swedish crust band Last Climb, occupies pages 8-9. Short and to the point, as the hardcore/crust/punk music is.

Pages 10-13 – this is a quite comprehensive interview with Tragical History Tour / Uniforms. Of course, dumb me never heard about those, but that’s why I read zines – to find about stuff unknown to me, so excuse my lack of knowledge.

Lachance are not playing anymore, but this doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the interview with them when they were still active. That’s pages 14-15 for you.

Next one to interview was Get It Together, another Scottish act and I think I am slowly falling in love with that scene…don’t know, but there are some really class acts there! Time to explore, at least for me!

And the last interview of this issue belongs to Gay Panic Defence. I’ve also heard of the name before, but now I’m gonna explore the band’s output along with some other bands from the area as well, so I am pretty much on a long quest!

And the rest of the page 19 is filled with a few short reviews (as in page 2).

Last page, page 20, is an ad page for Everyday Madness Everyday Records, which is Graham’s another effort to spread underground/DIY music with his project Violent Pacifists (see the review).

All said and done, this little zine was a great, refreshing read. I wish to be able to get older issues, which probably is just a wish now, as they are long gone, but if you somehow stumble upon it, don’t hesitate to spend some of your moolah on it. Not only you’ll support the underground, but you also get some great reading. And that’s worth it, isn’t it?

Contact: https://www.facebook.com/everydaymadnesseveryday/

Buy it here: https://everydaymadnesseveryday.bandcamp.com/merch

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