Our regular readers kinda know we like to talk to artists whose stuff we review, and in many times we’re talking about new, less-known, unknown, obscure bands we’d like to bring to the attention of all the good folks reading our webzine.
And if you noticed our very positive review of Moisturizer’s second release, it’s no wonder our editor-in-chief get in touch with Cris (bass) and share a few words…here we go!
First of all, let me congratulate you to the great stuff you have released. I guess it‘s fantastic to start a new year with material like „Legibly Raw“. But to start properly, can you introduce Moisturizer to our readers?
Thank you. Moisturizer is a three piece grindcore band from Providence, Rhode Island. Mike Brennan(guitar and vocals)and I started writing songs for Moisturizer after the demise of our hardcore punk band, Implosion Crusade. Eventually, we asked Pat Pepper to play the drums. He agreed, and the rest is history.
So, you know each other from local scene…well, from HC/punk to powerviolence-fastcore-grindcore is not that big a step, but
still…did you feel the need of playing faster, or did it just evolve over the time?
We do know each other from the local scene. It’s been where most of my current friendships have been formed, and I’m thankful for that. Generally speaking, all three of us come from fairly different musical backgrounds, but have all been playing in bands on the faster spectrum for a while now. Mike has played in a bunch of bands, mostly fastcore, thrash and punk stuff; Spinach, Insufferable Ingrate, Nuclear Special Forces, etc. Pat has been involved in a number of diverse bands as well, playing crustier death metal shit in Crippled Beggar, to more experimental, eclectic music in Mis(s)invader. All of the bands we have done have all been aggressive or fast in some way shape or form, but I think that Moisturizer has been the tip of the iceberg for all of us. It’s a total product of everything else we’ve done, while still having it’s own unique voice and spirit, and I love that. In terms of getting faster, it was a combination of feeling the need to get faster as well as naturally progressing that way.
Does anyone from the band have a formal musical training-education-background, or you’re self-taught?
I’m sure all of us have picked up a tip or two along the way from musicians that we respect, but we are all self taught.
As you haven’t mentioned any date of forming Moisturizer…how long did it take from forming the band till the release of your first ever material (if I am correct) “One Dozen Donuts”?
You are correct. Moisturizer began practicing and writing as a band in July of 2017. We played our first official show on October 18th, 2017, and released One Dozen Donuts on January 14th, 2018.
As for the releases…your second release, and the one I have reviewed, “Legibly Raw”, was released almost exactly a year after the debut material…did you plan it that way, or is it just a coincidence?
Not planned at all, that just kinda happened that way, haha. I am pleased that we were able to keep the momentum going and not become stagnant, and I think a year of consistent shows and touring helped us keep it moving in the right direction.
You have mentioned touring…how often do you play and what about the audience response? I know that playing in the States is not easy, as the local shows are pretty small and not well attended, is that true in the case of your gigs as well?
We have been fortunate enough to have a great year for shows we’ve done. There have been shows that haven’t been very well attended, but that doesn’t take away from the quality of the show for me personally. A few solid homies can make the smallest gig a great time. As far as local shows around the states, it’s just a matter of circumstance. We’ve played gigs that have been jam packed on a weeknight, and weekends where there were not many people there. There are just so many bands, and so many shows some of which happen on the same night, and it’s hard to really know what the outcome is going to be, and there are alot of different things that factor into that, but you just stay positive and take the cards you’re dealt. It’s usually fucking awesome.
Yeah, I guess that’s the best attitude! Let’s get back to your material…if you, personally, view your debut and the new material, what is the biggest difference between them? is it an evolution as musicians or better songwriting? And what was the response so far (although, it’s been only days since the the second release was put online).
The response has been fantastic so far, and people seem to dig it so that’s cool as fuck. I guess I try not to pay too much attention, but it’s been great. I think the difference between the two releases is that we’re a more comfortable band now. Comfortable with one another, stronger as friends, and musically tighter as a unit as a result. Legibly Raw is more focused than One Dozen Donuts, and more intense on a few different levels. It’s darker. One Dozen Donuts was a bit more goofy and lighthearted, but these new songs go straight for the jugular and don’t hold back.
I’ve also wanted to ask…Why One Dozen Donuts? Is there any hidden meaning to it? And while many grindcore bands are into politics, what music of Moisturizer stands for? Fun, politics, social critique…all or none of it?
No, no hidden meaning. There were just a dozen songs and it became the working title. The cover is a box of donuts because down here we have Dunkin’ Donuts, and we all love our dunkies. You don’t wanna know us until we’ve all had our dunkies in the morning. As far as subject matter goes, there’s absolutely no rules, and we write about whatever we think is funny or real to us as individuals. No strict guidelines whatsoever, and I don’t think we really stand for anything as a band other than playing fast and expressing ourselves.
Cool…do you plan to release your stuff also as physical releases, or going digital only?
We will be making a run of tapes for Legibly Raw very soon.
Great! Anyway, as we’re almost finished…what are plans for Moisturizer for 2019?
We’re gonna take a quick hiatus until March to write more music, then play shows and hopefully do another tour or something. Nothing set in stone yet, but that’s the idea!
Excellent…well, let me wish you all the best in the future and I hope you’ll return with another batch of kick ass songs! Any last words for our readers?
If you’re reading this, you should pick up an instrument and start playing fast music immediately, or you will die. Nice talking to you, and thanks for taking the time to talk to me.
The pleasure is all mine, Cris!! Many thanks!