Choppin’ Headz zine has reminded me it was quite a long time since I’d reviewed anything printed. Well, it’s about time to change that. Indeed, it seems like I hardly read anything at all! It’s not true, though, but still…
Therefore, when I’ve seen a post about this new zine from the United Kingdom, there was no hesitation about if I’m getting it or not. Of course I need that in my collection!
So, a few minutes later and with PayPal payment sorted out, in a few days it arrived (it would be sooner, but as I ordered it on Thursday, it came next Monday – just in case you wonder what took Ed a few days to post my copy).
The zine’s format is roughly A5, which comes handy if you want to read it on you way to work on the bus (for example) and apart from the bright red logo on the front page it’s all black and white (the black is a kind of greenish one, which looks very cool).
In the day when many zinemakers put out issuess in a form of a huge book, this one is comparatively small, only 52 pages in total, but that is not something one should be either sorry for or be criticized for.
Now, speaking about the content, Choppin’ Headz zine is dedicated to fans of horror movies, grindcore, death, noisecore and “other” genres, sick art and “other weird shit” (to borrow from the editorial opening lines), whatever that may be.
And what you can find in this debut issue? My fave part always consists of interviews, and here we have three of them, with Marc Lyuten from Belgian label Bringer of Gore, Isaac Horne from Sulfuric Cautery and the with graphic artist Huere from Huere Artworks.
Add to it various movie/music related articles (for example – Top 10 Movie Melts, or the article about movie samples used by Mortician), reviews for some less-known releases from Italy, review of the movie CH.U.D., or the Iron Maiden branded beer reviews). And on top of it, a little gallery of a sick artwork!
All in all, not bad start and I definitely will be looking forward for the next issue.
For a copy, get in touch with Ed via his Instagram profile at : @choppin_headz_zine